Are you interested in upskilling for the thriving pharma industry? Innopharma Education are offering a part-time, Springboard-funded BA Degree in Pharmaceutical Business Operations,commencing this September. This degree is highly subsidised or free.
The pharmaceutical industry has traditionally required individuals with a strong science or engineering backgrounds to support its significant manufacturing activities in Ireland. Today, there is a new skill-set required along with those with scientific knowledge. This skill-set requires professional individuals with a strong knowledge of manufacturing, compliance, regulation as well as business improvement. These skills need to be supported with an ability to assimilate information, make effective decisions and communicate clearly using the latest technologies and systems.
This Degree in Pharmaceutical Business Operations developed by Innopharma Education in conjunction with Griffith College and is suitable for those with a higher certificate in science, engineering or a related discipline and will equip individuals with these skills and competencies.
This course is delivered part-time and lectures are broadcast live using an online training platform, allowing you to join the class online if for some reason you cannot attend class in person. The modules are also recorded which means you can view them at a later stage.
Accreditation: Level 7 BA in Pharmaceutical Business Operations.
Awarding body: Griffith College Dublin
Next Intake: September 2021