Call For Submissions for AHEAD Student Reconnection Exhibition

By Gemma Creagh - Last update

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Call For Submissions for AHEAD Student Reconnection Exhibition: AHEAD have put out a call for submissions for entries for next year’s Conference, titled ‘Reconnection: Placing inclusion at the heart of online learning and support.’

AHEAD is an independent non-profit organisation working to create inclusive environments in education and employment for people with disabilities.

This is an academic year like no other when more classes and support is now being providing online or in limited in person interactions due to COVID-19, creating a different student experience than some of you would have expected. Is this something that works better than you imagined or it is impacting you negatively in terms of your overall experience of college?

If you are a student with a disability in Further Education and Training or Higher Education in the Republic of Ireland, AHEAD want to hear from you. AHEAD want you to share what that experience of reconnecting with college has been like and whether your disability has been impacted as part of this new reality we find ourselves in.

Please feel free to use any medium that you feel comfortable expressing your perspective with. All mediums have time limits or word counts.  It can be: audio, image, text or video.

AHEAD are going to display a selection of the entries received at next year’s Conference and any students whose pieces are used will be given free entry to see first-hand the reactions from attendees and also to discuss your work, if you are comfortable to do so.

Next year’s online AHEAD Conference, titled ‘Reconnection: Placing inclusion at the heart of online learning and support’ will look at how staff and policy makers in education can provide connections for students with disabilities in the virtual environment by focusing on placing inclusion at the heart of any new approaches to learning and support.

This can be a great opportunity to illustrate your unique student experience and help staff in disability support and teaching staff plan for the future as we all learn new ways of reconnecting with their students.


  • Image/Picture – can be captured on your phone, ideally submitted as a JPEG.
  • Audio (1mins. minimum-5 mins. max)- can be captured on your phone.
  • Short story (500-1000 words).
  • Video (1mins. minimum-5 mins. max)- can be captured on your phone.

Questions? Contact Christine at [email protected]

Submission Form

Closing date 29th January 2021 is Ireland’s largest database of online courses in Ireland. We list online courses of all types so that you can find the best online course for you.

Gemma Creagh

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