Cyber Security Bootcamp For Women – FREE Training

By Steven Galvin - Last update

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The International Cyber Threat Task Force is offering a “Cyber Security Bootcamp for Women”  – free training course. The objective is to introduce women at all stages of their career to the world of cyber security.

This 30 day program is delivered free of charge to successful applicants via the ICTTF online Cyber Risk Academy. Students receive access to a syllabus that presumes no previous or technical knowledge.

The curriculum is designed for a business audience and introduces them to key understandings and concepts around cyber security and how to manage it within a business. The learning outcomes are complementary to many roles including but not limited to legal, compliance, risk management, procurement, HR and fraud prevention.

Cyber Security Bootcamp For Women – FREE Training

The courses are fully funded by the ICTTF and open to women from all over the world. Classes are delivered with videos, downloadable casebooks, online exams and live training sessions with instructors. Successful participants will receive a certification of completion from the ICTTF – International Cyber Threat Task Force.

Enquire / Book here


The ICTTF – International Cyber Threat Task Force was established in 2010 as a not for profit initiative promoting the ecosystem of an International independent non-partisan cyber security community.
Over that decade, we have consistently innovated on how best to achieve our mission. From online community portals, apps, local membership chapters and International events ICTTF strive to work with our thousands of members from around the world.

Learn more here

Steven Galvin

Diploma in Journalism at City Colleges
The Diploma Centre At The Law Society Of Ireland Upcoming Courses


  1. Prashansa Tiwari 13/02/2023 at 10:06

    would want to get notified about cyber security training

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