Free Online Certificate in Family Business Course Launched in GMIT

By Gemma Creagh - Last update

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The GMIT School of Business has been awarded funding through the Government/HEA Springboard+ programme to provide a free online course in Family Business to 50 successful applicants.

The aim of this unique Certificate in Family Business is to stimulate the maintenance, establishment and growth of family-owned enterprises in Ireland through developing entrepreneurial competences in key areas.

GMIT Cert – What You Will Learn

The certificate is targeted at those involved in family enterprises, including owners and managers of family business, family members and full-time and part-time staff working in these enterprises or those who may wish to establish a family business.

GMIT’s Ivan McPhillips, programme chair, says: “This is a unique course. It is free for eligible applicants and delivered online which will give people greater flexibility in completing the programme of study”.

Eamon Walsh, Head of Dept of Enterprise and Technology, School of Business, GMIT, says “The programme will stimulate creative thinking and innovation, while delivering the necessary business knowledge to enable learners to develop, and potentially launch, product and service ideas in family businesses.”

“In essence, the Certificate in Family Business programme content will allow participants to generate and develop a business idea (product or service) for their family business”.

Course Format

The course is structured across two semesters. Semester one runs from 16 March to June 2020 where course participants will complete three modules: Family Business; New Venture Creation; Introduction to Accounting and Taxation where participants develop family business ideas.

In semester two, running from September to December 2020, participants complete a Legal Environment for Business module and develop their respective idea further by completing the Marketing Techniques and Research and New Venture Planning modules, which platforms their proposal into a cohesive and measured business plan.

The March deadline has passed, but for more information about the next deadline for this programme, see: or alternatively you can contact the programme co-ordinator Ivan McPhillips for further information at 091 742608 or at

Gemma Creagh

Colaiste Ide Enrolment Days 2020
IICP College Free Online Taster Event


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