This innovative DCU Higher Diploma in Engineering Analysis and Technologies is specifically designed to allow students who have not been previously exposed to engineering mathematics, software, design and fundamental principles at a sufficient level for them to pursue engineering opportunities in the workplace, in further education or in lifelong learning activities. The selected learning activities and modules will imbue the students with the ability to engage with engineering problems, contexts and tools, thus enabling them to participate in strategic areas for the future workspace.
The proposed Higher Diploma programme has the following objectives:
– To develop the students knowledge of mathematics, numerical problem solving and analysis, software, engineering design and fundamental engineering principles.
– To develop the students ability to identify, formulate, analyse and solve engineering problems and to integrate knowledge, handle complexity and formulate judgements related to engineering problems.
– To develop the students awareness of the socioeconomic and technological challenges faced by society, of their cognitive processes and the mathematical and software tools available to them in order to design appropriate solutions.
– To develop the students ability to collaborate successfully, communicate effectively and to think critically in order to develop and apply creative solutions which integrate knowledge and understanding of engineering principles to solve societal challenges.
• Entry is available to graduates with a with an NFQ Level 8 qualification with a minimum of a H2.2 or equivalent classification in a non-engineering-related discipline.
• Applicants with an engineering qualification who wish to reskill and/or update their qualifications may also apply.
• Applicants with a Level 6 or Level 7 qualification with at least 5 years relevant industrial experience may apply. This entry is subject to an interview if deemed necessary by the Chair of Programme or Head(s) of School.
• Students who meet the minimum entry requirements are not guaranteed a place on the programme and DCU reserves the right to interview candidates to confirm their suitability for the programme.
• Non-Native English speakers must submit evidence of competency in the English language as per DCU entry requirements.