The National Botanic Gardens of Ireland are hosting a special lecture for International Women’s Day on ‘Magic and Medicine – Women and the history of healing plants’.
- Time: 3.00pm
- Date: 8th March 2019
- Location: Education & Visitor Centre
International Women’s Day Lecture
For this illustrated talk, Charlotte Salter-Townshend, guide at the National Botanic Gardens, will focus on women’s cures for female concerns such as fertility. Women healers and their knowledge of local flora were a mainstay of health for generations of communities around the world. However, wise women were frequently feared and painted as witches. This talk attempts to untangle fact from fiction and highlight an important part of Ireland’s cultural heritage which has largely been forgotten.
This talk has been organised to coincide with International Women’s Day
There will be an Irish Sign Language interpreter translating the lecture on the day. Members of the deaf community who are interested in coming please email [email protected].