Patrick Kavanagh Poetry Award 2024

By Steven Galvin - Last update

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The Patrick Kavanagh Poetry Award is OPEN FOR ENTRIES NOW. Closing Date Thursday 1st August, 5pm.

The Patrick Kavanagh Poetry Award for a first unpublished collection of poems in English is open to poets, born in the island of Ireland, or of Irish nationality, or long term resident in Ireland.

The award adjudicator is Victoria Kennefick, acclaimed author of award winning collection ‘Eat Or We Both Starve‘ (2021). Her second collection ‘Egg/Shell’ was published earlier this year.

Considered by many to be a crucial milestone for emerging poets, past recipients of the Patrick Kavanagh Poetry Award include Eileán Ni Chuilleanáin, Paul Durcan, Thomas McCarthy, Peter Sirr, Sinead Morrissey, Conor O’Callaghan, Celia de Freine and Joseph Woods to name but a few.  In 2024, Lauren O’Donovan won with her searing collection ‘Taxidermy Heart’.

This year’s winning entry will receive €2,000.  To find out more about the award download the Patrick Kavanagh Poetry Award Guidelines for 2024.


The award will be presented on Friday 27th September 2024 on the opening evening of the annual Patrick Kavanagh Weekend.  For more about the award and its history check out Patrick Kavanagh Poetry Award.


Immerse yourself in the rich literary heritage of Ireland by enrolling in Irish Literature courses offered throughout the country. These courses provide a deep dive into the works of iconic writers such as James Joyce, W.B. Yeats, and Seamus Heaney, alongside contemporary voices shaping modern Irish literature. Through a combination of lectures, readings, and discussions, you’ll explore the historical, cultural, and social contexts that have influenced Irish storytelling across centuries. Whether you’re a literature enthusiast, aspiring writer, or simply curious about Ireland’s literary legacy, these courses offer a unique opportunity to enhance your understanding and appreciation of Irish literary art.

Steven Galvin

Meet the Programme Director - MA in Drama and Theatre Studies at University of Galway
Architecture Courses In Ireland


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