AHEAD and USI have announced that applications for membership to Students with Disabilities Advisory Group are now open to students/learners.
The purpose of the group is to inform the strategy and policy of AHEAD and USI concerning the inclusion of students with disabilities in Higher and Further Education. The group will bring a strong disabled student voice into Further Education Training and Higher Education policy.
Students with Disabilities Advisory Group
The initial term time for a group member is 1 year. The group is expected to meet 4-5 times per year and meetings should last approximately 2 hours. Members may be asked to contribute outside of meetings in other ways via email, both individually or as a group.
By getting involved, you can help shape the national conversation about inclusion and universal design for learning in further and higher education. It’s also an opportunity to meet like minded individuals and it looks great on a CV.
Applications close on October 8th.
Further information & applications details here.
AHEAD is an independent non-profit organisation working to create inclusive environments in education and employment for people with disabilities.
USI is the Union of Students in Ireland, the national representative body for third-level students’ unions in Ireland. Founded in 1959.