Tell Your Story with Martin Keaveney Creative Writing

By Steven Galvin - Last update

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Everyone has a story to tell. What is yours? Why not write it down for others to read? You may well see it in bookshops or on stage or screen in the near future. Martin Keaveney Creative Writing have developed an exciting range of online courses to suit all types of writer.

Sign up for classes now and tell your story!

Tell Your Story with Martin Keaveney Creative Writing

You can join writers at all levels and enjoy tutorials  in over 20 genres/mediums such as Literary Realism, Memoir, Poetry, Comedy, Horror, Crime, Scifi, Romance, Stage, Screen and Radio.  There are also weekly creative workshops where you can read  and discuss your writing. You will meet a wide variety of writers from all over the world. Courses are available online, through Zoom, or via email, phone or even traditional post! All programs provide expert guidance, weekly feedback on your writing and an extended response to your final project.

September courses are just starting now, so why not go to and browse what is available. Check out what over 50 previous participants say at

Martin Keaveney has a PhD (Creative Writing & Textual Studies) from NUIG. He  is about to publish his second novel The Mackon Country (Penniless Press, UK).

Martin Keaveney Creative Writing provides an exciting range of Creative Writing courses online with innovative content and delivery

Steven Galvin

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