Learn, explore, and experience University College Dublin by attending their 2020 UCD Virtual Summer School. If you are considering UCD for 2020 or 2021, join their team online from 2nd – 5th June for some information packed, interactive webinars.
UCD Virtual Summer School
Meet the lecturers and student ambassadors, ask questions and find out more about your chosen subject area.
Why Study With UCD?
Founded one hundred and sixty years ago, University College Dublin has continued to make a unique and substantial contribution to the creation of modern Ireland through its vast range of UCD Courses. As Ireland’s largest university, with its great strength and diversity of disciplines, UCD embraces its role to contribute to the flourishing of Ireland through the study of people, society, business, economy, culture, languages and the creative arts, as well as through research and innovation.
Access Courses
UCD Access & Lifelong Learning offer Access to Arts & Social Sciences and Access to Science, Engineering and Agriculture courses to mature students. These are Special Purpose awards, Level 6, which equip mature students with the skills and confidence required to take the next step to a Third Level course in UCD. You can find more information on our Access Courses webpage.
Open Learning
UCD Open Learning gives you the opportunity to study a range of undergraduate modules in UCD. There are no entry requirements and the Open Learning modules are open to everyone. You can take any combination of modules for interest only (audit) or you can complete the course assessment (credit). Each module is worth 5 ECTS and you can accumulate modules towards an award.
Lifelong Learning
Lifelong Learning courses are part-time specific interest courses that are participative, engaging and facilitated by experts in their field.