By Steven Galvin - Last update

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EURASHE, the European Association of Institutions in Higher Education. Founded in 1990 in Patras, Greece, EURASHE has become a pivotal voice in shaping the future of professional higher education across the continent.


At its core, EURASHE represents a wide array of institutions, including universities of applied sciences, university colleges, and other professionally-oriented higher education establishments. These member institutions, spread across the European Union and beyond, share a common goal of providing practical, industry-focused education that bridges the gap between academic theory and professional practice.

The association’s primary mission is to promote and emphasize the crucial role of professional higher education within two key European frameworks: the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) and the European Research Area (ERA). By doing so, EURASHE ensures that the unique perspectives and needs of professional higher education are considered in policy-making and educational reforms at the European level.

EURASHE’s activities span a wide range of areas critical to the development of higher education. The organization is deeply involved in advocacy efforts, working tirelessly to represent the interests of its members in European policy discussions. It fosters cooperation not only among its members but also with other stakeholders in the education sector, creating a robust network of institutions and individuals committed to advancing professional higher education.

One of EURASHE’s key contributions to the field is its role in organizing conferences, seminars, and workshops. These events serve as platforms for knowledge exchange, allowing educators, administrators, and policymakers to share best practices and discuss emerging trends in professional higher education.

The association’s influence extends to several focus areas that are crucial for the evolution of higher education in Europe. These include:

  1. Quality assurance in higher education, ensuring that professional programs meet high standards of excellence.
  2. Research and innovation, promoting the unique contributions of professional institutions to applied research and technological advancement.
  3. Lifelong learning, recognizing the importance of continuous education in a rapidly changing job market.
  4. Implementation of the Bologna Process, working to harmonize higher education systems across Europe while preserving the distinct character of professional education.

EURASHE’s standing in the European educational landscape is further cemented by its role as a consultative member of the Bologna Follow-Up Group (BFUG). This position allows the association to directly influence the ongoing development and implementation of the Bologna Process, ensuring that the voice of professional higher education is heard in these important discussions.

As Europe continues to evolve its approach to higher education, EURASHE remains at the forefront, advocating for a balanced and inclusive system that recognizes the value of professional and vocational training alongside traditional academic pathways. Through its tireless efforts, EURASHE is helping to shape a future where professional higher education plays a vital role in developing the skills and knowledge needed for Europe’s workforce in the 21st century.

EURASHE stands as a beacon for professional higher education in Europe, championing the cause of practical, industry-aligned learning and ensuring that this crucial sector continues to thrive and contribute to the broader goals of European education and employment.

Steven Galvin

Manufacturing Systems Simulation
Bluebook Traineeship


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